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"Everybody thinks they know quite well.
Then there's something they can't tell.
It doesnt fit in what seemed sure,
so someone goes to seek a cure.
In the end there's found a new solution
- called scientific revolution.
This goes on and on since ever,
but people don't get wise or clever.
Cause what do you think today?
Here I'm sure, that I can say.
Note that you're stuck too
in our big paradigms zoo."
Jochen, dedicated to Rolf
Just to make you aware that although we may feel comfortable with a lot of relative certainties, the point is to keep open-minded.
Science is certainly NOT the same as truth, it just claims to make things
understandable in a manner that all steps of the recognition process are
reproducible and comprehensible by all. And, such a "truth", by principle,
remains valid only until someone proofs the contrary.
The very first point is unknown to the dull and uncomfortable to the lazy;
the last point tends to be largely forgotten by all. And the steps in between
are permantly at risk because not everybody who claims to be scientist
is honest or at least rigorous.